Dead Sea Scrolls Nomenclature Quiz

Explain / Interpret the Identifying Symbols and numbers of the following DSS.  Copy the scroll name to be interpreted into an email message along with your explanation.  Your explanation should include in what cave the scroll was found as well as an answer for any other numbers or letters.  I have supplied (in parentheses) any terms you may not know after reading WAC 44-45.

1.  4Q415

2.  11Q22frag. 4-5

3.  1Q413 Col.3

4. 1QpHab(akkuk)

5.  What are square brackets [ ] for in the following example?

example:  "[This refers to] the last Days"
6.  What are the angel brackets <  > for in the following example?
example:  "<This refers to> the last Days"
7.  WHat do the normal parentheses (  ) mean in the following example?
example:  "This refers to (or points to) the last Days"